Michael Lewicki
Real Estate Broker
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Thank you Adam :)

Updated Sunday, November 25, 2012  ::  Views (7045)

To all our Clients and Friends,

Adam has decided to move on from Real Estate and pursure other ventures and business opportunities. And to ensure our client's are transitioned in a timely manner he will be migrating from Real Estate effective the end of November 2012.

Thank you Adam for being a great business partner and it is with fond memories of great times that I wish you the best in your future endevours as you move on to new opportunities. I couldn't have done this past year without you as my guide and I appreciate all that you brought to our team.

On behalf of our partners, contractors and past clients we wish you the best in the future and look forward to what the new year brings you!

To our current and future Clients, I will continue to practice Real Estate and look forward to helping you with your Real Estate Needs.

Thank you again Adam, you have been there since the beginning and I'm looking forward to the next Chapter in our Business Book :)



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