Michael Lewicki
Real Estate Broker
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Thank You!

Updated Friday, December 16, 2011  ::  Views (10295)

We'd like to take a moment before the end of the year to thank everyone who helped to make us successful:

Office Admin: without them, we'd never get paperwork filed or be able to show people our beautiful homes.

Home Inspectors: keeping everyone honest and providing great feedback and information to our buyers.

Fellow Realtors: thank you for your professionalism and working towards a 'win-win' with all client's.

Seller's: thank you for trusting us with selling your home. It was a great experience helping you to move to the next stage in your home ownership.

Buyer's: It was a pleasure working with you to find your dream home.

Friends & Family, Neighbour's: your referrals and support this year were amazing. Thank you!

And of course a final Big THANK YOU to our signifigant others. Without the wive's and girfriend's being there and supporting us in all we do we wouldn't be as successful as we are!

Thank you to all for your support as we launched our Real Estate venture in 2011. It's been an incredible year, and we look forward to all that 2012 has to offer!


Adam & Mike

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