Michael Lewicki
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A Homeowner's Toolkit: All The Tools You Need To Care For Your Home

Updated Monday, October 31, 2011  ::  Views (6659)

Whether you have just bought your first home or have been a homeowner for some time, chances are that at some point you will be faced with home repairs.  While you can always call the local repairman to fix minor plumbing or structural problems, doing the repairs yourself can save you time and money, and with a few tools you'll have everything you need to make most home repairs.  So what do you need to create a Homeowner's Toolkit, and to give you the know-how to make the simple repairs yourself?  Here's a list that includes everything you'll need!

 Home Repair Book-If you know nothing about home repairs, this may be the most important tool you will purchase for your home.  There are a number of great books to choose from, including those in the “For Dummies” series that will not only give you step-by-step guidance, but also tell you the tools you'll need for each job.
Hammer-This is a basic tool that you will no doubt use dozens of time for everything from hanging pictures to more major repairs.
Screwdriver-This is another basic tool that you will use over and over.  Be sure you get a set with quality grips, and that includes a number of different heads.  The ones with magnetic heads can make getting into tight spaces easier and less frustrating.
Wire Cutter-This handy tool is a must for any basic electrical work you may want to do.
Tape Measure-Be sure you choose one that has sufficient length to cover most spaces in your home, a good quality one with a lock.
Reversible Drill-A ⅜-inch model is one of the handiest tools any homeowner will ever have.  Be sure you pick up a cordless model so you can also easily use it outdoors as well.
Pry Bar-Purchase one that is hexagonal steel rather than spring steel to avoid bounce back when using it with a hammer.
Vise Grips-This handy tool is especially useful for any plumbing you may do.
Needle-nose Pliers-This tool is mostly used for electrical work, but is also useful for getting into tight spaces, and even for crafts.
Utility Knife-This is another one of those multi-purpose tools that is a homeowner essential.  Be sure to pick one up with replaceable blades.
Handsaw-While a circular saw may seem like the better investment, there are a number of cases where a handsaw is the better choice.  They are also much less expensive.
Getting started with home repairs can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have no experience, but with the right tools and a little knowledge you can save a fortune while keeping your home in good repair.

And don't forget, if the job is too big or you need some professional services for reno/repair work just send us a quick email. We're happy to share our contacts and referrals with friends, family and clients alike!


Mike & Adam

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